Tag Archives: domestic adoption

What Is YOUR Worth?

At dinner last night we were discussing adoption reform (gasp)  brought about by a conversation my husband had with a co-worker regarding the cost  of adopting  both domestically and internationally and what a huge part money plays in perpetuating the current dysfunctional  system.

My daughter turned to me and asked “Mommy, if I needed to be adopted how much would I cost?” 


It was difficult to explain  that the way our society currently operates a ten year old would have very little monetary value and yet somehow assure her that says nothing about her true worth. I wanted to explain that you cannot put a price on a child but that is not accurate as things stand. That is not the truth.

My 10 year old  understands that we have become a society which has placed a monetary value on human beings and much like the purchase of  a car the newer the model the more expensive the merchandise. I wonder why that fact seems difficult for so many adults to grasp?

What we do…it’s not OK. I can only hope our children will  learn from our mistakes and as adults make better choices than we are making.


Filed under Adoption Politics, Truthful Musings